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IT Training
Unlock your tech potential with NTW's IT Training - Elevate your skills, Empower your career!
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IT Projects
From ideation to implementation, NTW's IT Projects lead the way in innovative solutions for your business needs.
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NTW, a leading provider of IT solutions for businesses, aimed to assist businesses in identifying trends and enhancing services by providing faster access to information. However, the challenge arose from the exploding volumes of structured and unstructured data that hindered the generation of valuable insights.

To address this issue, NTW devised a cutting-edge hybrid cloud solution that integrated built-in business intelligence (BI) tools based on Microsoft SQL Server, Azure SQL, Data Lake, Azure Data Factory, Azure Databricks, Tabular Cubes, Big data, Data Analysis, data Analysis in Azure, EXCEL, Analysts Skills, Data Scientist (R,Python Shiny), Machine Learnings, Power Apps, NHS System and Power BI Insights. Within just six weeks, the company successfully developed a proof of concept. As a result, clinicians can now respond promptly using self-service BI tools, gaining actionable insights from a vast array of data, including clinical records, consultant performance data, and social media feeds.

NTW is committed to evaluating the organization’s current data approach and reporting practices to comprehend its aspirations for future development.

IT Training

Learn cloud, cybersecurity, data analytics, software development, project management from NTW's instructors to succeed in the digital realm.


Join NTW's Recruiting team for career opportunities in tech, sales, marketing, and customer service. Apply now to discover your potential.

IT Projects

NTW IT Projects offers IT solutions for workflow, security, collaboration, and data management through software dev, networks, cloud computing.

Academic Projects

Join to discover new academic initiatives, broaden your horizons, and become a part of a community of scholars.


If your technology is draining resources rather than optimizing them, we can get you back on track. A professionally managed services provider can give you the decisive edge to:

IT Training

Enhance your IT skills with NTW's affordable courses designed by experienced trainers for personal or professional development. Join now to achieve your goals.

IT Projects

Choose NTW's IT Projects for quality project management, software development, and infrastructure solutions, with excellent customer service.


NTW offers personalized recruitment services for both job seekers and employers, with a wide network to find dream jobs and top-tier talent acquisition solutions.

Academic Projects

NTW's Academic Projects provides comprehensive research assistance with an emphasis on prompt communication and outcomes delivery.

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